Extension on house - what is the best way that I can add extension to my house?

Extension on house - what is the best way that I can add extension to my house?

When it comes to home improvement, adding an extension to your house is a big project but can be very rewarding. There are many things to consider before starting such a project, so here are some tips to help you get started.

First, you need to decide what type of extension you want. Are you looking for more living space, or are you looking to add value to your home? If you're looking for more living space, then you need to decide what rooms you want to add. For example, do you want to add an extra bedroom or bathroom?

Once you know what type of extension you want, you need to start planning the project. This includes getting planning permission from your local council. They will need to approve the plans for your extension, so make sure you have everything in order before you start building.

Once you have planning permission, you need to start thinking about the construction of your extension. This includes choosing the right builder and getting quotes for the work. Be sure to get incontatc with us at SD built to get a qiulty qoute for your next extention.

But before you do reach out, many people have very specific questions that we often get. So we thought we would outline before hand; that way we can get striaght into designing and building your new dream extention.

Below is a list of Q and A that we often get here at SD built :

Can I add extension to my house?

Yes, you can add an extension to your house. However, you will need to get planning permission from your local council first. But before you do that there are a couple of other things you will have to think about like;  what type of extension do you want, what are your building regulations, what is your budget and how long will it take to build?

Another inpmortant thing to think about is what design are you wanting for your  new extention. You will have to take this into consideration as well because the design of your extension will affect the planning permission and the building regulations.

You also need to think about the construction of your extension. Designing ideas can be hard expecially with construction restircitions; and of course you have your ideal design but then matching that with  reality can sometimes be two diffrent things. This is where it might be benificial to reach out to a professtional like the team here at SD built. We can help you with your construction and we will work with you to get your desired design. But we do have some typical proces and idea;s that usaly come out when people reach out, which include:

House extention ideas

The first thing you need to do is decide what type of extension you want. Are you looking for more living space, or are you looking to add value to your home? If you're looking for more living space, then you need to decide what rooms you want to add. For example, do you want to add an extra bedroom or bathroom? If you want a extra bathroom then,  you will need to think about the design and the location of where you want to place it. The same goes for an extra bedroom; you will have to consider the size and layout of the room. Beedrooms are great for  value adds because not only can you use it as an extra bedroom but also as a nursery, home office or even a guest room.

Another thing to think about is the outdoor space. Do you want to extend your outdoor living area? This could include adding a deck, pergola or even a veranda. Again, you will need to  think about the design and the location of where you want to place it.

When it comes to extending your outdoor living area, one thing you need to consider is the weather. Melbourne is known for its unpredictable weather, so you need to make sure your outdoor extension can withstand the hot summers and cold winters.

If you're looking to add value to your home, then you need to think about what features will add the most value. For example,  adding an extra bedroom or bathroom will add more value than extending your outdoor living area. However, it all depends on what your buyers are looking for.

Another thing to think about is the construction of your extension. This includes choosing the right builder and getting quotes for the work. Be sure to get in touch with us at SD built to get a qiulty qoute for your next extention.

We understand that choosing to extend your house is a big decision. There are many things to consider before starting such a project. But we hope that this has given you some food for thought and helped you in making your decision.

Once you know what type of extension you want, you need to start planning the project. This includes getting planning permission from your local council. They will need to approve the plans for your extension, so make sure you have everything in order before you start building.

Do I need a architect for an extension?

Before I ask for permission from the local council should I get a articect to design our exttion first? Or should I speak to coucil first?

If you want to extend your house, you will need to get planning permission from your local council. They will need to approve the plans for your extension, so make sure you have everything in order before you start building.

You might also need to hire an architect or designer to help with the plans for your extension. They can help you with the design and make sure it meets all the council requirements. An architect can  also help you with the planning permission process.

Most architect have plenty fo experince of working with local council so,  they might be able to give you some good advice on what type of extension you can build.

If you're not sure if you need an architect, you can always speak to your local council. They will be able to advise you on whether or not you need one for your project.

When it comes to choosing a builder for your extension, it's important to do your research. You want to make sure you choose a reputable builder who has experience in building extensions. Be sure to get quotes from a us at Sd Built builders before making your final decision.

At SD built, we have plenty of experience when it comes to building extensions. We can help you with the design, planning and construction.

How to build an extension on a house

So you now have a architect, and you have spokent to the local council ad go the ball rolling. But your proabbly still wondering; what are the exact steps to biulding an extention to the house,  and what do i need to consider before hand?  we will give a step-by-step guide on the process of building an extension to your house.

Step 1.  Demolition (if needed)

The first step is to demolish the part of the house that you want to extend. This step is only necessary if you are planning on making a significant change to the layout of your home.

If you are simply extending an existing room, then this step can be skipped.

Step 2. Foundations

The next step is to lay the foundations for your extension. This is a critical step as the foundations need to be able to support the weight of the extension.

If you are unsure about how to do this, then it is best to hire a professional.

Step 3. Walls

Once the foundations are in place, you can start to build the walls of your extension. Again, if you are unsure about how to do this, then it is best to hire a professional.

Step 4. Roof

The next step is to add the roof to your extension. This is a relatively simple process, but if you are unsure about how to do it, then it is best to hire a professional.

Step 5. Windows and Doors

The next step is to add the windows and doors to your extension. This is a relatively simple process, but if you are unsure about how to do it, then it is best to hire a professional.

Step 6. Finishings

The final step is to add the finishings to your extension. This includes things like painting, flooring, and adding any furniture.

If you are unsure about how to do this, then it is best to hire a professional.

Now you have your Extension! Congratulations!

But before you start all this you'll need ot get panning perimission; right?  

Do you need planning permission for 2020 extension?

In most cases, you won't need to apply for planning permission for your 2020 house extension.

However, there are some exceptions, so it's always best to check with your local authority before starting any work.

There are also some other things that you need to take into account, such as building regulations.

You can find out more about this in on planning permission for house extensions.

House extension meaning

What exactly is a house extention, so what shoud you consider a an extention and shoudlnt consider a extension?  

House Extension means "an addition to the main structure of a house" - so what is defined as the main structure?  And what exactly is an addition?

As a general rule of thumb, an addition is something that extends the livable space of your home. It can be anything from a new room to a second story. And it doesn't necessarily have to be attached to the main structure of your home - it could be a detached garage or shed.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when considering a house extension:

- The size of the project: A small extension is generally less expensive and easier to obtain planning permission for than a large one.

- The purpose of the extension: What do you want the extra space for? If it's for additional living space, you'll need to factor in things like insulation, heating and cooling.

- The location of the extension: Where will the new space be located? If it's attached to the house, you'll need to consider the impact on the existing structure.

If you're thinking about a house extension, it's important to consult with an experienced builder or architect to get an idea of the feasibility of the project and to get an estimate of the costs. Extension on house is not a small project and should be carefully considered before any work is started.

How much can I extend my house without planning

How much permission is actually neeeded?

If you live in a terraced house, you can extend up to six metres at the rear. If you live in a semi-detached or detached property, you can extend up to eight metres. These limits do not apply if you live in a listed building, conservation area or national park. You will need planning permission for any extension that exceeds these limits.

You may not need planning permission for a smaller extension, or for certain types of development, such as a conservatory or porch. You can check whether you need planning permission on the Planning Portal website.

If you extend your house without planning permission, you may be breaking the law and you may have to remove the extension. If you build without permission and your local authority decides to take action, you will have to stop work immediately. You may also be fined and ordered to pay your local authority’s legal costs.

It is always advisable to check with your local planning authority before you start any building work.

How much will an extension add to my house?

An extension can add significant value to your property, but it is important to bear in mind that the value of your property is relative to others in your street and neighbourhood.

The location of your property is also a key factor in determining its value. If you live in an area where prices are rising rapidly, your extension is likely to add more value than if you live in an area where prices are static or falling.

It is also worth bearing in mind that not all buyers will be willing to pay more for a property with an extension. Some may be put off by the disruption caused by building work, or they may have their own ideas about how they would use the extra space.

If you are planning to sell your property in the near future, it is worth speaking to a local estate agent to get an idea of how much an extension is likely to add to the value of your home.

how to extend house cheaply

So you have fully decided to do the extention; now your question is, how much is this going to cost?

This is a difficult question to answer as it depends on so many different variables. The size of the extension, the type of materials used, whether you need to move any services such as gas or water, and whether you need to apply for planning permission are just some of the factors that can affect the cost of an extension.

As a general rule  of thumb, you can expect to pay between £1,500 and £2,000 per square metre for a single-storey extension. So, for a typical three-metre by five-metre extension, the cost would be in the region of £22,500.

Of course, this is just a guide price and the actual cost will depend on the specific circumstances of your project.

If you are looking to keep costs down, there are a few things you can do. One is to avoid the need for planning permission by keeping the extension within the permitted development rights for your property. Another is to use more affordable materials such as timber frame construction instead of brick and block.

You can also save money by doing some of the work yourself, although it is important to bear in mind that any work you carry out must comply with the relevant building regulations.

If you are planning to extend your home, it is always a good idea to get several quotes from different builders before making a decision. This will give you an idea of the average cost of the work and will help you to find the best deal.

As with any major building project, it is also important to make sure that you have adequate insurance in place in case anything goes wrong.

This is just a brief overview of some of the things you need to consider when extending your home. For more detailed check out our more detailed guide here

House extension cost calculator

If you are planning to extend your home, use our house extension cost calculator to get an estimate for the work. Simply enter the dimensions of your proposed extension, choose the type of Extension you would like, and select the level of finishes you require. You will then be able to see an estimate for the total cost of the work.

Please note that this is just a guide and the actual cost will depend on a number of factors, including the specific circumstances of your project.

How many metres can I extend my house?

This again is a difficult question to answer as it depends on a number of different factors, including the type of property you have, its location, and the amount of available space.

As a general rule, you can extend a semi-detached house by up to six metres, and a detached house by up to eight metres. However, it is always best to check with your local planning authority before starting any work to make sure that you are not breaching any planning regulations.

You may also need to apply for planning permission if you want to extend your home by more than a certain percentage of its original size. This is known as the permitted development rights and varies depending on the type of property and its location.

For more information, check out our guide to planning permission here

When carrying out any building work, it is also important to make sure that you comply with the relevant building regulations. These set out strict standards for the construction of new buildings and extensions, and failure to comply can result in serious penalties.

Small house extension ideas

Do you have to notify the Neighbours for permission for an extension? What if it's just a small extension. Well, we collated a list of ideas for small house extension ideas that might help you in this Sanrio.

1. Convert your garage into extra living space : This is a great way to add an extra room to your house without having to extend outwards. If you don't use your garage for parking, then why not convert it into a playroom, office or extra bedroom?

2. Extend upwards : If you have some unused loft space, then this is a great opportunity to create some extra living space. You could convert the loft into an extra bedroom, office or even a games room.

3. Build a conservatory : Conservatories are a great way to add some extra living space to your home and can be built relatively cheaply. They also let in lots of natural light, making them a bright and airy place to relax.

4. Extend outwards : If you have some extra space in your garden, then you could consider extending your house outwards. This would give you some extra living space and could even increase the value of your home.

5. Convert your basement : If you have a basement, then this is a great opportunity to create some extra  living space. You could convert it into a playroom, office or even an extra bedroom.

Building an extension checklist

So now that you know everything you need to know about an extension on a house. Here is a helpful checklist to help you make sure you have all bases covered when planning and doing your extension.

- Get permission: Make sure you have all the necessary permissions in place before starting any work, including planning permission and building regulations approval.

- Choose your builder carefully: Extension work can be disruptive, so it is important to choose a reputable builder who will cause minimal disruption and finish the job to a high standard.

- Set a budget: Extension work can be expensive, so it is important to set a realistic budget and get quotes from a number of different builders before starting work.

- Choose your design carefully: An extension is a big investment, so make sure you choose a design that you are happy with and that will add value to your home.

- Be prepared for disruption: Extension work can be disruptive, so it is important to be prepared for dust, noise and mess. Make sure you have somewhere to stay if the work is going to be particularly disruptive.

- Check for hidden costs: Extension work can come with hidden costs, so make sure you factor in things like planning permission fees, building regulations approval fees and VAT.

- Get professional help: If you are unsure about anything, it is important to get professional help from an architect or surveyor. Extension work is a big investment, so it is worth getting everything right.

This is a great guide on Extension on house - what is the best way that I can add extension to my house? If you are planning on doing an extension, make sure you follow this checklist to ensure a smooth process.

How far can you extend without planning permission 2022?

Like we said already,  You may need planning permission to extend or alter your home. The rules on how far you can extend without planning permission depend on a few things, such as the style of your house (e.g. detached, semi-detached or terraced), the size of your property and whether it is listed. You can find out more about the rules on how far you can extend without planning permission here.

Can my Neighbour build an extension up to my boundary?

What if you are on the over the end of an extension? what if it's your neighbours building an extension? What are the rules there ad what are your rights if this is going right next door?

It is always best to speak with your neighbour first to try and come to an agreement. If you are unable to do this, then you can contact your local planning authority for advice.

When it comes to the neighbours limits on how close they can come to the boundary of your own house. Unfortunately, it is not always that simple. The rules on how far you can extend without planning permission depend on a number of factors, such as the style of your house, the size of your property and whether it is listed. You can find out more about the rules on how far you can extend without planning permission here.

In conclusion, extensions can be a great way to add extra living space and value to your home. There are many things to consider before starting such a project, however, including getting the necessary permissions, choosing the right builder and setting a budget. It is also important to choose your design carefully and be prepared for disruption during construction. Make sure you factor in any hidden costs, such as planning permission fees and VAT, and get professional help if you are unsure about anything. Extension work is a big investment, but if done correctly, it can be very rewarding.

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